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Peru Organic Fairtrade Amazonas

Peru Organic Fairtrade Amazonas

Rock Island Roastery
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340g bag. Medium roast.

Peru Organic Fairtrade Rodriguez de Mendoza, Amazonas
100% Women Producer Co-op
This high altitude coffee is grown on family-owned farms in the province of Rodrigues de Mendoza, in Peru's Amazonia region. Each producer cultivates an average of 2.5 hectares, intercropped with a variety of crops. The women proudly own their own land and farm according to organic practices.
Grown at altitudes between 1500m to 1800m
Cupping notes:  This lot is a big surprise of flavour with lots of layers, blood orange, peach and chocolate and with a good body & pleasing acidity, making a very balanced cup.
Varietals:  Typica, Bourbon, Caturra, Catimor
Fully washed and sundried on patio